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I was so incredibly happy to hear their hits making the rounds on this side of the pond. I had the pleasure of living in Britain when these guys first took off. The Arctic Monkeys - "I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor". What more can you ask for? Oh if you recognize this little diddy then it is probably because you saw "Thank you for Smoking" (and if you haven't, then what the heck are you waiting for?).ġ8. Eagles of Death Metal do a wonderful job of combining catchy lyrics with rocking power guitar. Not sure what to say here other than it is a really super awesome. The first of three Eagles of Death Metal songs to make it on this impressive list. Eagles of Death Metal - "Flames Go Higher". This just seems like such a perfect song to dance romantically in the kitchen with that special someone to. Not sure if that surprised any of you out there in blogosphere. Soooooooo, I'm a wee bit of a hopeless romantic. In fact when I was teaching a lesson on the Fraser River Gold Rush to a group of Grade 8s I referenced this song by saying "I ain't sayin' he's a gold digga, but he ain't dealin' with no broke river". I love Kanye West, I think that he is so incredibly cool. Alright as you can see we are veering away from pretentious Indie Music and onto much more poppy stuff. Plus, I like dancing around my bedroom to this one.Ģ1. Madonna is one of the most influential musicians, oh ever, and this song proved to me that she is more than capable of reinventing herself for the twenty-first century.

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I open myself to all of your judgments and mocking for posting this. This song is no exception, and it has got me VERY excited for Neon Bible.Ģ2. The Arcade Fire are one of those very rare bands that you can listen to over and over again and still find something new to enjoy every single time. The follow up single to one of my favourite albums ever (more on that one to follow). While I do love this song, it is not my favourite version of this song, nor is it the most listened to. Sure it is simple, but it really gets the point across. The mix of the two choruses into "I want to fuck you, right now" makes me laugh every time.Ģ4. I love both of these songs separately, but I think that they are perhaps even greater together. Not the highest ranked mashup on this list, but definitely my favourite one. Either way, here goes the Top 25 songs that I have been listening to over the past 5 or so months.Ģ5. Perhaps it is the new found energy (or should I say, Glenergy?) from the New Year, or maybe I'm just really bored. fm I was hoping that this could be a regular feature here on Get Glenergized but then I got last. I decided to make this post in order to give everyone a better insight into my odd and eclectic musical taste, I decided that I would list the Top 25 songs I have listened to since I got this computer back in September according to my iTunes play count.


After this I went back into an Indie- ish music fix as you can see by the abundance of Sufjan Stevens, TV on the Radio and The Postal Service that I have been listening to. That's right, I was in a bit of a bad dance music funk at the time and figured that if other people can see who I've been listening to than I had best carry on with a more discriminating taste. After this site created my profile for all to see I realized that I had to stop listening to so much bad music. Well not so much the physical act, but my habits changed. fm and the way I listened to music on my computer changed. On the left hand side of your screen you can see the "Who I've Been Listening To Lately" heading. A little over a month ago I posted this little ditty and the face of my blog changed just a little bit.

Tunes you youtunes pewdiepietrap